LomoApparat Chiyoda Edition

Meet the NEW LomoApparat Chiyoda edition – a breath of fresh, cream-colored air, just in time for summer. With its wide-angle lens and leather exterior, it’s ready to capture all the colorful moments this season and beyond. Named for the historical district of Tokyo, Japan, which our Lomography+ team calls home, with its 21 mm wide-angle lens, three lens attachments and exciting experimental features, it will help anyone’s creativity bloom. Photographers of all abilities and experience levels can enjoy shooting with this compact camera and get unique and authentically analogue images on 35 mm film.

Step out of reality and enjoy snapping fun and creative images with the LomoApparat. This experimental camera has tons of inspiring features including multiple and long-exposure modes, colored gel flash filters and an array of lens attachments. Shoot totally unique images on 35 mm film and enjoy the classic analogue character of vignetting, high contrast, saturation and film grain. It’s lightweight, compact and the perfect sidekick for any analogue adventure. Just point, shoot and go!

– The LomoApparat is now available in a third exciting edition
– Fit every adventure in the frame with a 21 mm wide-angle lens
– With fixed settings for super simple snapping anywhere, anytime
– Packed with creative features to guide you through the analogue world
– Snap around the clock with a clever built-in flash & interchangeable colored gel filter design
– Load any 35 mm film for classic analogue character
– Use the close-up lens attachment to get closer…and closer
– Try the kaleidoscope lens attachment for unpredictable, experimental effects
– Experiment with the splitzer lens attachment for unique multiple exposure composition
– Shoot long exposures & multiple exposures with the flick of a switch

LOMO STORE: https://shop.lomography.com/eu/cameras/lomoapparat